We have specialist knowledge to ensure your tax structure is the most efficient for your particular needs and that you legally minimise your taxation. This can have a huge positive effect on your wealth over time.
Hunt & Company has a highly educated tax team who have provided specialised taxation advice for 40 years. We will work with you to ensure you maximise your opportunities under the increasingly complex income tax legislation.
Maximising personal wealth is the goal of our personal tax planning services. Whether you are a senior executive, a retiree, an expatriate or an investor, we have a number of strategies to assist you with your personal taxation as well as attending to your legal obligations.
Establishing the right business structure is critical to minimising your taxation and ensuring your ultimate goals for your business are realised.
Whether it be a company, discretionary trust, unit trust, partnership or a self managed superannuation fund, Hunt & Company has 40 years experience advising on the best business structure. Additionally, we provide proactive ongoing taxation advice to individuals and their businesses to ensure they stay abreast of ongoing taxation changes.
Succession planning has a number of important taxation consequences. We have helped numerous businesses over the decades with their succession planning including identifying the various options for owners and ensuring they realise the maximum value possible after tax.
Hunt & Company can give you peace of mind by attending to your statutory obligations including:
Income Tax Return preparation and lodgement for:
- Individuals
- Companies
- Trusts
- Partnerships
- Self managed superannuation funds
Other returns:
- Fringe benefits tax returns
- Business activity statements
- Withholding tax returns
- PAYG withholding tax