- Personal Income tax changes
- Changes to personal income tax rates
- Changes to low income tax offsets (‘LITO’)
- Changes affecting business taxpayers
- Expanding access to Small Business Tax Concessions
- JobMaker Hiring Credit
- Who is an eligible employee?
- Who is an eligible employer?
- Tax-free business support grants
- Uncapped immediate write-off for depreciable assets
- Changes affecting companies
- Temporary loss carry back for eligible companies
- Clarifying the corporate residency test
- Meetings conducted via virtual attendance
- FBT changes
- FBT exemption for retaining and reskilling employees
- Reducing the compliance burden of FBT record keeping
- Other budget announcements
- Removing CGT for ‘granny flat arrangements’
- Superannuation reforms
- Clarifying income tax exemptions for individuals engaged by the IMF and the World Bank group
- Additional funding to address serious and organised crime in the tax and superannuation system
- Supporting the mental health of Australians in small business – COVID-19 response package
- Insolvency reforms to support small business